Ensure KYCKnow Your Customer. Regarding the practices that companies implement to verify their customer's identity and comply with current legal requirements. and AMLAnti-Money Laundering. Regarding the business controls to identify or prevent behaviors related to money laundering. compliance in the digital onboarding of your customers
With our software, automate and simplify your user onboarding while complying with KYC/AML regulations and staying fraud-free.
Comply with regulations in real-time
Avoid and prevent fraud
Eliminate manual processes
Reduce onboarding time

How our KYC/AML solution works?
With Truora's software, you will be able to add the security layers and steps you require according to your business risk and user preferences.
Background Checks
Select the preferred user channel
WhatsApp, API, Web. Enable your users' favorite channels, to reach them anywhere, anytime.
Acquire basic user information
With simple questions, ask for information such as country of residence and type of document.
Document Validation
With user ID photos, verify that the document is valid, using government databases and fraud models to detect tampering.
Facial Recognition
Facial Recognition With user selfie video/photo, validate biometrics against ID and verify the user existence with proof of life.
KYC and AML Compliance
Run background checks in minutes to identify if your users are on an AML watch list.

The best financial companies choose Truora
They achieved a high success rate of 83% in the new customer onboarding process, in an optimal time of 3 to 12 minutes per onboarding, and have detected fraud and false positives.

Intercrédito generated 806 consumer credit applications in January 2022, while in January 2023 increased to 8.381. In other words, loan requests increased 10x achieving great growth in the business.

In August Addi generated a success rate between 30% to 40% in the new customer onboarding process, in October they achieved an increase between 75% to 85%. Currently, this success rate keeps it.
What industries can we help to grow?
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