Onboarding | KYC

Rappi achieved a 99% reduction in fraud for Rappi-tenderos and allies using background validation from Truora

Rappi logró reducir el 99% de fraude de rappi-tenderos gracias a Truora
  • +3.8M

    Validations conducted
    (2019 - 2023)

  • +65K

    Users successfully
    validated per month.

  • +88%

    Increase in conversion

Rappi's main objective is to provide to its users an exceptional shopping and delivery experience by connecting them with thousands of products and services of all kinds. To achieve this, it is essential that every point in the process is secure and user-friendly for its customers, allied businesses and Rappi-tenderos across Latin America.


Every month, more than 65,000 people register as Rappi-tenderos or allies in Rappi, making the maintenance of the ecosystem’s security a challenge.

Fraud and identity theft rates during the onboarding process for Rappi's services are as high as 60% monthly. Validating who enters and who doesn't is a task that can take a long time for Rappi's user acquisition team.

In order to reduce risk, time and costs; the company decided to integrate an automated validation solution.

"At Rappi📲 we needed to implement a solution that would help us validate the background of the new Rappi-tenderos and restaurants that were registering in the app."
Rappi imagen
Rappi imagen

The Solution

Integrate a background check verification flow into the registration process for new users and allies

What did we do for Rappi?

At Truora, we integrated a background check and criminal record verification flow via API into Rappi's services. This prevents fraudulent individuals from entering as allies or Rappi-tenderos without immediate verification during the frictionless registration process.

"The integration with Truora has made our processes with Rappi-tenderos more agile and automatic, they are always providing us with help and improvements."

Felipe Villamarin

Co-Founder at Rappi

Integrated validator: TruChecks

background checks rappi

Background check for users applying to join the app.

With Truora's validation, the Rappi team can access reliable information databases.

background checks rappi

Accessing official and classified sources for:

- Personal identity
- Criminal and civil records
- Judicial history
- Affiliations and insurance
- Media alerts
- Vehicle records
- Business backgrounds

Accessing official and classified sources for:

By entering just one or two pieces of information about the Rappi-tendero or ally, Rappi can conduct a background check within minutes.

Once the check is completed, if the user meets the security requirements, they receives access to continue the registration process.

  • With Truora, the entry of more than 1000 fraudulent accounts/people into Rappi's services has been prevented.

    Learn how
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